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PAIN MANAGEMENT Autoclaves C-Arm Tables
EKG Machines Ultrasound Machines Vein Viewers
Vital Sign Monitors

Pain Management Equipment

The right pain management equipment can improve your patient care as well as your bottom line. Get crystal clear imaging with C-Arm tables that allow for precise and flexible movements during an imaging procedure. Take a deeper look inside the patient’s body to see complications with vein viewers, or monitor their vitals for signs of stress with vital sign monitors.

Advanced pain management tools such as the PRO ElecDT® 2000 stand at the top of electrotherapy innovation. This device combines all known forms of electrotherapy into one device. It is capable of stimulating peripheral nerves for pain management or motor control nerves for rehabilitation. With over 8 different pre-programmed protocols and the ability to create and customize your own, it’s easy to see why the PRO ElectDT 2000 is so highly regarded.

In addition, Medical Device Depot offers pain management equipment from top manufacturers Hako-Med and Venni. Call us today at 877-646-3300.