Medical Lexicon

anesthetic gas scavenging System (AGS-System)

Used in conjunction with an anesthesia machine, the AGS-System conveys expired and/or excess anesthesia gases to an appropriate place of discharge.
View AGS-System Products


An instrument for facilitating visual examination of the anal canal.
View Anoscope Products


An electrical instrument for measuring the threshold of hearing for pure tones of normally audible frequencies generally varying from 200 to 8000 hertz and recorded in decibels.
View Audiometer Products


An apparatus (as for sterilizing) using superheated steam under pressure.
View Autoclave Products


A branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of obesity. Specialized medical furniture exists that are designed to accommodate the needs of bariatric patients.
View Bariatric Products

blood pressure

The pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries, maintained by the contraction of the left ventricle, the resistance of the arterioles and capillaries, the elasticity of the arterial walls, and by the viscosity and volume of the blood.
View Blood Pressure Products

c-arm table

medical table designed for c-arms, which is a specialized x-ray mainly used for plain fluoroscopy or digital subtraction angiography.
View C-Arm Tables


To standardize (as a measuring instrument) by determining the deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors. Certain medical equipment, including spirometers, need to be calibrated routinely in order to display optimal reports.



A monitoring device that measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in exhaled air and displays a numerical readout and waveform tracing.
View Capnographs


Used in the process of cauterizing, an agent or instrument used to destroy tissue by burning, searing, cutting, or scarring, including caustic and electric currents, lasers.
View Cauteries


A machine using centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities, for removing moisture, or for simulating gravitational effects.
View Centrifuges


An instrument for examining the uterine cervix, esp for early signs of cancer.
View Colposcopes

crash carts

A movable cart or similar conveyance carrying supplies and equipment for the management of medical emergencies.
View Crash Carts


An electrical device used to counteract fibrillation of the heart muscle and restore normal heartbeat by applying a brief electric shock.
View Defibrillators



An instrument for determining optical, photographic, or mass density. A bone densitometer can be used to check for osteoporosis.

An illuminated, usually fiber-optic flexible or rigid tubular instrument for visualizing the interior of a hollow organ or part (as the bladder or esophagus) for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes that typically has one or more channels to enable passage of instruments (as forceps or scissors)
View Endoscopes

exercise stress test

Also known as a "treadmill test" this term refers to a test which is performed to determine irregular heart rhythms which may occur during exercise.
 View Stress Testing Systems

holter monitor

A portable holter that makes a continuous record of electrical activity of the heart and that can be worn by an ambulatory patient during the course of daily activities in order to detect fleeting episodes of abnormal heart rhythms. Used with EKG Machines.
View Holters


A method of measuring blood pressure internally by using a sensitive IV catheter inserted into an artery. This provides a more accurate reading of the patent's current blood pressure.
View IBPs

kick bucket

A medical receptacle commonly used in surgical procedures to collect sponges and other disposable articles.
View Kick Buckets


A type of medical insufflator used during surgical procedures. This device is used to maintain constant intra-abdominal pressure in the patient.


A rigid or flexible endoscope passed through the mouth and equipped with a source of light and magnification, for examining and performing local diagnostic and surgical procedures on the larynx.
View Laryngoscope Products


Any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to discrete frequencies of highly amplified and coherent ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation; used in surgery to cut and dissolve tissue.
View Laser Products


An instrument (as a pressure gauge) for measuring the pressure of gases and vapors.
View Manometer Products

mayo stand

portable stand used to provide easy access to medical equipment during a procedure.
View Mayo Stand Products

nasal cannula

A medical device used to deliver oxygen at low flow rates to a patient or person in need of extra oxygen. Connected to an oxygen tank or portable oxygen generator.
View Nasal Cannula Products


Of or relating to the first 28 days of an infant's life.
View Neonatal Products


Known as Non-Invasive Blood Pressure, used to describe oscillometric blood pressure monitoring. This oscillometric equipment uses an electronic pressure sensor to detect blood flow, instead of relying on the traditional stethoscope and ear.
View NIBP Products


An instrument for examining the interior structures of the eye, especially the retina, consisting essentially of a mirror that reflects light into the eye and a central hole through which the eye is examined.
View Ophthalmoscope Products


An instrument fitted with lighting and magnifying lens systems and used to facilitate visual examination of the auditory canal and eardrum.
View Otoscope Products


A branch of medicine dealing with the development, care, and diseases of children.
View Pediatric Products


The application of light for therapeutic purposes.
View Phototherapy Products

pulse oximeter

A device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood in a subject by utilizing a sensor attached typically to a finger, toe, or ear to determine the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in blood pulsating through a network of capillaries and that typically sounds an alarm if the blood saturation becomes less than optimal.
View Pulse Oximeter Products


The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.
View Radiology Products


An optical instrument for examining refraction of light in the eye.
View Retinoscope Products


A rigid medical device used in the examination of the upper respiratory tract.
View Rhinolaryngoscope Products


View Sigmoidoscope Products



An instrument for measuring blood pressure and especially arterial blood pressure.
View Sphygmomanometer Products


An instrument for measuring the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs.
View Spirometer Products


A measurement of the saturation level of oxygen in the hemoglobin. Normally, this measurement is determined with the use of pulse oximetry, a non-invasive procedure.
View SpO2 Products


An instrument used to detect and study sounds produced in the body that are conveyed to the ears of the listener through rubber tubing connected with a usually cup-shaped piece placed upon the area to be examined.
View Stethoscope Products

sundry jar

A receptacle designed to hold miscellaneous items. In a medical setting, sundry jars are used to hold an assortment of small accessories, such as cotton or tongue depressors.
View Sundry Jars


A small syringe used with a hollow needle for injection of material into or beneath the skin.
View Syringe Products


An instrument for determining temperature that usually consists either of a device providing a digital readout or of a glass bulb attached to a fine tube of glass with a numbered scale and containing a liquid (as mercury or colored alcohol) that is sealed in and rises and falls with changes of temperature.
View Thermometer Products


Any device or element which converts an input signal into an output signal of a different form. Examples include the microphone, phonographic pickup, loudspeaker, barometer, photelectric cell, automobile horn, doorbell, and underwater soundtransducer.
View Transducer Products


A position in which the patient is on his back with the head and chest lowered and the legs elevated. Some medical tables can be adjusted allow the patient to be situated in this position.


The use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, specifically to visualize an internal body structure, monitor a developing fetus, or generate localized deep heat to the tissues.
View Ultrasound Products

vital signs

The pulse rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and often blood pressure of a person. Vital sign monitors keep track of this information for a patient.


A stream of such photons used for their penetrating power in radiography, radiology, radiotherapy, and scientific research.
View X-Ray Products