What Does Telemetry Do?

Apr 10th 2024

Telemetry is defined as the process of recording and transmitting an instrument’s readings. Medical professionals use telemetry to monitor the electrical signals emitted by a patient’s heart and recorded by the unit. Here’s more about what telemetry does and why it’s important for medical practitioners and healthcare facilities to offer this option.

ECG and vital sign monitoring

Monitors Heart Health in Real-Time

Telemetry monitoring units produce a series of recordings for the duration they are worn by the patient in or out of the hospital, which is between 24 to 72 hours. Once monitoring is finished, all of these recordings are studied to determine whether a patient has a problem with the way their heart beats.

Allows for Increased Accuracy of Diagnosis

The readings emitted by the telemetry monitoring unit can offer specialists more information about the accompanying symptoms a patient is experiencing. This allows for a more accurate diagnosis of underlying conditions.

Where a patient’s existing condition has changed, telemetry monitoring can provide information about the effects of this change on their heart.

Aids in Planning Medications and Treatments

With the information that the telemetry machine provides them, all members of a healthcare team can be in a better position to be able to prescribe or adjust medications or recommend treatments while the patient is still in the hospital.

Gives Faster Alerts

A patient who is wearing a monitor either at home or at the hospital allows medical professionals to know right away if there is a potential problem because the unit will alert them instantly. This allows the patient to receive intervention more quickly.

Has a Modern Design for More Patient Freedom

Today’s mobile cardiac telemonitoring machines allow patients who have been cleared by their doctor to move and walk around while in the hospital. They also allow patients to return home and continue to be monitored, significantly improving their quality of life.

Allows for Earlier Diagnosis

Because of the continuous monitoring that telemetry offers, all symptoms, even those that are less frequent, are recorded. This allows for the early detection of problems, which can result in the patient receiving treatment before a condition worsens.

No Wasted Resources

False alarms or those which are clinically insignificant can quickly add up in terms of the costs to operate a medical facility. When telemetry technicians are present, results can be more accurately and more quickly interpreted and any changes immediately recognized. This ensures that only true emergencies receive the necessary resources.

telemetry transmitter

The Right Equipment Will Save Money

Whether you’re a medical facility needing to keep its costs low or an individual who wants the benefits of telemetry at home, it’s important to choose the right equipment. Telemetry systems that are durable and high-quality will ensure you always get accurate results.

All of the products sold at Medical Device Depot are only of the best quality. Our experienced representatives can help you get the right equipment for your needs, and we also offer you the best price. Call today to learn more: 1-877-646-3300.