How to Improve Your Pediatric Clinic

Apr 10th 2024

child holding teddy bear toy with pediatrician listening to heartbeat using stethoscope

Pediatric offices have the unique challenge of providing quality care while also maintaining an inviting, child-friendly atmosphere. With some children being afraid of or uncooperative with their doctors, every pediatric clinic has a vested interest in making the experience as pleasant and efficient as possible—especially for their youngest patients.

While bedside manner is crucial for achieving this goal, there are a few investments that clinics can make to improve patient experience and quality of care.

Expedite the Visit

Children may need medical care, but they don’t always want it— many may even try to actively resist treatment! As a result, children often have a low tolerance for long waits and procedures, with the likelihood of cooperation usually decreasing over time.

As a result, finding ways to expedite visits is an extremely effective way to improve your pediatrician office workflow. By keeping visits short, younger patients will be more likely to cooperate with treatment and less likely to get upset.

Upgrade Equipment

Amico Pediatric Diagnostic Station

Upgrading your equipment can help make visits quicker and more pleasant for young patients, especially where it helps deliver therapies through faster, contactless methods. Contactless forehead thermometers, for example, minimize invasiveness and help speed along basic diagnostics.

Keeping your equipment organized can also help improve patient experience, especially during routine diagnostics (e.g., taking temperature, monitoring heart rate, etc.). A pediatric diagnostic station is one way you can stay organized, with models such as the Amico Pediatric Diagnostic Station keeping everything secure in a single, convenient location.

Create a Child-Friendly Atmosphere

While your clinic doesn’t have to become a daycare, making the visit fun for children can help improve everyone’s experience. One effective way of creating a child-friendly atmosphere is to improve the waiting room by including simple games and reading material. Wall art, particularly those with fun and friendly designs, can also help improve the patient experience.

Of course, the atmosphere extends beyond the waiting room—and few things are worse for child patients than being taken away from a fun environment only to be put into an overly clinical one. While the doctor’s office should remain practical and efficient, simple improvements such as child-friendly posters and specialty equipment can help maintain a friendly, inviting atmosphere throughout the visit.

Update Safety Procedures for COVID-19

While the COVID-19 pandemic poses health threats for everyone, children are among the most vulnerable demographics. Unfortunately, most clinics have no choice but to continue in-person medical care, resulting in an increased need for novel therapies and contactless care.

When in-person pediatric clinical visits are necessary, it’s crucial to make sure that you and your staff take enough precautions to keep everyone safe. Basic methods include wearing masks and face shields, thorough sanitization of hands, equipment, and surfaces, and limiting contact wherever possible. Where some of these measures might be scary for some children, it’s important for staff to remain especially upbeat and friendly throughout the visit.

Improving Patient Experience Through Medical Equipment

Investing in the right medical equipment is an effective way of improving any pediatrician office visit, especially where it can also create a more pleasant environment for children. For more information on how our selection of child-friendly medical devices can help improve your clinic, contact our sales team at 877-646-3300.