A Simple Guide to Cryosurgery

Apr 10th 2024

Advanced surgical methods allow for many conditions to be easily treated. At Medical Device Depot, we offer the latest cryosurgery equipment at reasonable prices. In this guide, we will help understand what this process is and its purpose, benefits, and risks.

What Is Cryosurgery?

A cryosurgery procedure uses extreme cold to target abnormal tissues. It may be used for cancer on the skin or in the body and to treat small warts, skin tags, and other benign epidermal lesions. Liquid nitrogen is the most effective because, at temperatures of -346°F to -320°F, it instantly freezes and destroys any cells it touches. In some cases, carbon dioxide or argon may be used.

Bovie Freezpoint Cryosurgical Device

The Purpose of Cryosurgery

It is often chosen when other types of treatment aren’t effective. An alternative to riskier procedures on internal organs such as the liver, it’s also used to treat early prostate cancer or that which has returned. A cryosurgical procedure often requires just an outpatient doctor’s visit. Abnormal cells freeze, as do the cells surrounding them, which disrupts the blood supply and results—once the frozen skin thaws—in a scab that forms and eventually falls off.


Extreme cold is often effective for removing skin lesions. However, there are risks associated with cryosurgery, including blistering, ulcers, infection, scarring (which can cause the skin to turn white), and changes in skin color more often seen in patients with darker skin color. Loss of function due to nerve or cartilage damage is possible as well. Pain is a side effect more often seen in children and people who’ve had treatment on a large plantar wart.

Is Cryosurgery Right for You?

It’s most suited for people when the origin of an epidermal lesion is known. Trained clinicians can use a cryosurgical system to destroy any basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. However, if you have a mole or vascular lesion of unknown nature, liquid nitrogen isn’t the best treatment. Vascularized lesions can survive treatment; the potential for malignant transformation means further investigation is required. Your physician will discuss the necessary course of action and, if cryosurgery is used, the indications, risks, and alternatives.

Cryosurgery Machines and Supplies

Cryosurgical devices generally consist of a cartridge and tip freezer, but some systems look more like a spray canister with a tip. We also offer console systems complete with a base. An example is the Wallach WA100B, which provides precise readouts of temperature and has an audible freeze timer that indicates freezing temperature has been reached. It also records how long the tip is within freezing range. Our cryosurgical medical equipment also includes products from Bovie, which produces a small device used to treat simple skin lesions, as well as Integra and Miltex.

Wallach Surgical Devices

Medical Device Depot’s cryosurgery equipment and systems are available now to order. For information on these, worldwide shipping, and financing, reach out to our live support for help or call 877-646-3300.