PC-Based Medical Equipment Improves Health of Medical Practice

Jun 7th 2024

As healthcare spending undergoes intense scrutiny from the government and the American public, doctors and medical staff are beginning to evaluate their practice costs and prescribe new solutions. One area of growing interest is investing in PC-based medical equipment.

Medical equipment is a large cost on the balance sheet of any practice. Doctors must use the same precision and care they give to their patients when deciding on what new equipment to purchase. PC-based medical devices support the use of digitized medical records; a system many doctors are beginning to initiate.

Employing an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system allows doctors to better track, manage and treat patients. In addition, the economic stimulus package passed by the US government earlier in the year includes an appropriation of $19.2 billion dollars to encourage the use of EHR systems. This program will pay out substantial incentives to doctors who invest in an EHR system.

More and more of these EHR systems utilize PC-based medical equipment. Medical Device Depot, an online medical equipment store has seen increased sales resulting from a PC-based selling strategy. “We’re seeing a big swing in favor of PC-based medical equipment from our customers,” said John Gladstein, the company’s president. “For the first time, the majority of physician are buying PC-based stress tests and EKGs, and I expect the numbers to keep going up,” Gladstein continued. Medical Device Depot offers PC-based EKGs, Spirometers, Stress Test Systems, Holters and among other equipment.

Disease prevention and management is constantly changing in the wake of continued technological advancement. Doctors are a crucial part of this process. They must always keep at the forefront of the industry in order to give their patients the best care possible. It’s no surprise that they show the same astute judgment when evaluating their medical equipment. As more doctors realize the benefits offered by PC-based medical equipment, the trend in PC-based equipment sales is likely to keep rising.

Medical Device Depot, Inc. offers affordable, quality medical equipment to doctors and hospitals. The online store carries a wide catalog of equipment at the lowest possible cost. Customer care representatives are standing by 24 hours a day to answer questions and help customers find the equipment that best fits their needs. http://www.medicaldevicedepot.com or call 877-646-3300.